Mission / Goals


     The mission of the Department of Finance is to cultivate qualified financial professionals through emphasis on financial theories, business research and practical training so that graduates will be characterized by creative and executive abilities for the benefits of their economic communities.


DG1: Explore international vision (Worldview)
Increase foreign language ability in terms of professional terminology and expand global perspectives to adapt to internationalization.

DG2: Scientific analysis
Familiar with analytical, integration and logical tools.

DG3: Financial knowledge and ethics
Possess fundamental financial knowledge of theories for advanced learning.

DG4: Professional financial certifications
Prepared to take exams for professional financial certificates.

Core Competencies / Abilities

BCP1: Financial management abilities

BCP2: Real life financial and investment experience

BCP3: Research and data analysis

BCP4: Communication abilities and team work

BCP5: Report writing and presentation

BCP6: Work place attitude and professionalism
